Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC)

Alberta Utilities Commission
Alberta Utilities Commission

The Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) is an independent, quasi-judicial agency of the province of Alberta. The AUC is responsible to ensure that the delivery of Alberta’s utility service takes place in a manner that is fair, responsible and in the public interest. They regulate investor-owned natural gas, electric and water utilities and certain municipally owned electric utilities to ensure that customers receive safe and reliable service at just and reasonable rates. Staff also respond to customer inquiries and complaints respecting utility matters. In addition, the AUC ensures that electric facilities are built, operated and decommissioned in an efficient and environmentally responsible way. The AUC also provides regulatory oversight of issues related to the development and operation of the wholesale electricity market in Alberta as well as the retail gas and electricity markets in the province. The AUC’s regulatory functions are carried out through both written and oral proceedings and representative groups are encouraged to participate in the process. Participation helps to ensure that the AUC is informed of the issues and that decisions are made in the public interest.

To learn more, visit the AUC website



The Market Surveillance Administrator (MSA) is a public agency that protects and promotes the fair, efficient, and openly competitive operation of Alberta’s electricity and retail natural gas markets. The MSA monitors the performance of Alberta’s electricity and natural gas markets to ensure that market participants comply with all applicable electricity and natural gas legislation, the Alberta Reliability Standards, and the Independent System Operator’s rules.

To learn more about MSA, click here.



The Industrial Power Consumers Association of Alberta (IPCAA) is a membership based organization with a mandate to ensure the positive development of the electricity sector in Alberta by taking a leadership role in advocating for a fair, open and efficient marketplace for electricity sales and services in Alberta. IPCAA operates through strategic planning processes, an educated and informed membership, active lobbying with other industry stakeholders before the provincial government, as well as through extensive and comprehensive interventions in relevant regulatory proceedings in front of the Alberta Utilities Commission.

To learn more about IPCAA, click here.



The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) is responsible for ensuring a reliable and affordable power system in Alberta. A not-for-profit organization with no financial investment in the power industry, the AESO operates the market and grid, connects load and generation customers and plans the transmission system on behalf of Albertans. The AESO works closely with industry partners and the government to meet the province’s power needs now and into the future. The opportunity to be a founding sponsor of Women+Power aligns with the AESO’s value of inclusion for women and increasing their representation in the power industry. Their current initiatives expand to the grade school and university levels. With Women+Power, the AESO endeavours to impact women in the power industry, at various stages of their professional careers, to help them thrive.

To learn more about AESO, click here.

Balancing Pool

Balancing Pool
Balancing Pool

The Balancing Pool exists to facilitate policy implementation to support the functioning of the electricity industry for the benefit of Albertans. The Electric Utilities Act and certain other acts regulations establish the mandate of the Balancing Pool, which is principally to manage certain assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses associated with the ongoing evolution of Alberta’s electric industry.

The Balancing Pool is a proud supporter of Women+Power having experienced the value of diversity and inclusion in its’ own organization and acknowledges the need for increased representation of women at all levels in Alberta’s power industry. The Balancing Pool appreciates the opportunity to be a part of the change that Women+Power is striving for.

To learn more about Balancing Pool, click here.

DLA Piper

DLA Piper
DLA Piper

A long-time advocate for the inclusion and promotion of women in the legal and business communities, DLA Piper (Canada) LLP supports the fostering of an inclusive environment at all levels within Alberta’s power industry. DLA Piper recognizes that a key factor driving the success of their firm has come from the cultivation of a workplace which values diversity and addresses the underlying causes for gender disparities with an aim to implement strategies that will successfully address these issues. DLA Piper Canada is proud to support organizations like Women+Power whose purpose is to promote the empowerment of women in underrepresented industries.

To learn more about DLA Piper, click here.