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Advocating for EHRC’s Leadership Accord on Gender Diversity

Developed by Electricity Human Resources Canada, the Leadership Accord on Gender Diversity (the Accord) is a public commitment by employers, educators, unions, and governments to promote the values of diversity, equality, and inclusion throughout their work. Through recruitment, retention, career progression, and training and development, all Accord signatories are committed to improving opportunities for women in the Canadian workplace. The signatories to the Accord recognize and confirm united action to expand the breadth and depth of the skilled workforce by ensuring that women are informed of the opportunities available to them. Once employed, these women are fully supported and provided with equal opportunities to grow and develop to their full potential.

Employers, unions, and educational institutions agree to make the commitment to increase the representation of women in their programs and organizations. Signing the Accord is the first step in a long-term process. The commitments outlined in the Accord guide companies through the process of instituting new practices by involving all of their employees and partners in these actions. This will be achieved through a range of initiatives that organizations will approach or develop based on their individual circumstances and strategic HR plans.

It is the premise of the Accord that to effect systemic change, a bold vision is required by industry leaders.

“As an advocate for this Accord, our organization fully supports EHRC’s initiative,” says Sharleen Gatcha, Founder and CEO of Women+Power. “In becoming an advocate, we are dedicated to advancing the role of women in Canadian workplaces by engaging in outreach, promotion, and communications with our constituencies about the Accord and its key commitments. At the same time, we will encourage them to become official signatories. We are thrilled to stand alongside nearly 100 advocates and signatories across Canada that are committed to making a difference!”