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Partnership with the CEATI Women in Power Group

Women+Power is pleased to announce our partnership with the CEATI Women in Power Group. The Centre for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation (CEATI) is a user-driven organization committed to providing technology solutions to its electrical utility participants, who are brought together to collaborate and act jointly to advance the industry through the sharing and developing of practical and applicable knowledge.

The Women in Power collaborative venture is a networking, mentorship, and peer-to-peer support group that spans across the entirety of the CEATI organization. It aims to promote engineering and other technical careers to women in the field, and to share common challenges and strategies for overcoming obstacles as women in a field populated predominantly by men. In order to achieve these goals, the CEATI Women in Power Group offers the following three initiatives: Face-to-face networking at industry-open CEATI events, Women in Power Webinar Series, and a Mentorship Triad Program that connects women at different points in their career. Please visit us at: CEATI – Women in Power Group.

“We are excited to collaborate with CEATI Women in Power Group as the organizations are so closely aligned. CEATI offers numerous technical training opportunities that we will share with our members and members are encouraged to join the Women in Power Group to take advantage of opportunities provided by them,” said Sharleen Gatcha, Founder and CEO of Women+Power.